The Galician Network of Pediatric Investigation was constituted formally on April 9, 2008. The Galician Network of Pediatric Investigation (ReGALIP) pursues to facilitate and promote the investigation in pediatrics inside the framework of the Galician Pediatrics Society (SOPEGA). Its objective therefore is to diffuse, to implement and to promote any project of investigation in pediatrics, and to facilitate its diffusion since and inside the Society and in other scientific national and international groups.

The participation is free, and the only requirement that is required to belong to this network is to participate actively in some project presented from ReGALIP or to propose some activity of investigation. ReGALIP is an investigation network, through which we will try to facilitate the participation in different levels and in different studies of all the pediatricians of Galicia. From ReGALIP we will try to channel any kind of investigation, financing investigation projects public or private, clinical trials, etc., trying to promote and facilitate the participation of all those that be interested in some of the proposals.

As it is logical and inherent in any group with vocation researcher, ReGALIP intends to facilitate also the participation and stable reciprocal involvement of other national and international societies. The immediate objective is to achieve the consolidation of the group, and its gradual integration in the spanish and European pediatric investigation groups.

Proposals of investigation

ReGALIP can support any type of pediatric investigation: field studies, clinical trials, public or private projects of financing, etc. The coordinating group of ReGALIP assumes the validation of all the proposals that subsequently will be available to the members through personal periodic communications by e-mail between its members and by the web page ( The type of backup that ReGALIP can lend is that of advising, diffusion, and contact with other researchers and groups. ReGALIP is not a group with economic support. At the present moment the financing of the projects that be implemented through the Network is independent of ReGALIP and will depend exclusively of the researchers that propose the study.

ReGALIP is an open group to any suggestion or proposal. We understand that as group in development, we should seek progressively our place and our form, and in it will be essential the contribution of all those that want to contribute.

The group that has placed in motion this project and that eventually coordinates the works of this network arises and does it of altruistic form, with the only end to set in motion ReGALIP. Once the network is consolidated, the coordinating group should be elected between all the collaborating members.

ReGALIP is open to the contribution of any supporters that wants to promote the pediatric investigation in our country.

Contribution with networks and research teams.

At this time ReGALIP has established a collaboration with the IDIS (Institute of Sanitary Investigation of Santiago), the SCCALP (Castilla-Leon-Cantabria-Asturias Pediatrics Society), the AEP (Spanish Association of Pediatrics), the VIVA (Institute of Vaccines of Valencia), and the European Academy of Pediatrics Research in Ambulatory Setting network (